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Table 2 Characteristics of the 14,967 selected esophageal cancer patients, 2002–2011

From: Medical expenditure for esophageal cancer in China: a 10-year multicenter retrospective survey (2002–2011)


Number of patients [cases (%)]



7053 (47.12)


4287 (28.64)


3627 (24.23)

Hospital type


3430 (22.92)


11,537 (77.08)

Hospital level


13,752 (91.88)

 3A less

1215 (8.12)



11,717 (78.29)


3250 (21.71)

Age at diagnosis (years)


666 (4.45)


3252 (21.73)


5683 (37.97)


5366 (35.85)

Pathologic typea

 Squamous cell carcinoma

12,401 (85.06)


2178 (14.94)

Clinical stage


1131 (7.56)


5186 (34.65)


4695 (31.37)


2880 (19.24)

 Not reported

1075 (7.18)

Morphologic verification

13,332 (89.10)

Number of clinical visits per case


9564 (63.90)


2725 (18.21)


1176 (7.86)


1502 (10.04)

Type of therapyb


5168 (34.75)

 Surgery and chemotherapy

3000 (20.17)


1982 (13.33)


1690 (11.36)

 Radiotherapy and chemotherapy

1310 (8.81)

 Surgery and radiotherapy

386 (2.60)

 Palliative care

928 (6.24)


408 (2.74)


3877 (25.9)


1235 (8.25)

  1. aThe data for 388 patients were missing
  2. bThe data for 95 patients were missing