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Table 2 Characteristics of 2356 patients with colorectal cancer

From: Expenditure and financial burden for the diagnosis and treatment of colorectal cancer in China: a hospital-based, multicenter, cross-sectional survey


No. of patients (%)

Hospital type


696 (29.5)


1660 (70.5)

Age at diagnosis (years)

 Mean ± SDa

57.4 ± 12.1


361 (15.3)


542 (23.0)


787 (33.4)


666 (28.3)



1345 (57.1)


1011 (42.9)


 Primary school or below

727 (30.9)

 Junior high school

784 (33.3)

 Senior high school

592 (25.1)

 Undergraduate or over

253 (10.7)



845 (35.9)

 Enterprise or company employee/worker

570 (24.2)

 Self-employee or unemployee

354 (15.0)


274 (11.6)

 Public sector employee

259 (11.0)


54 (2.3)

Previous-year household incomea,b (CNY)

 Mean ± SD

54,525 ± 45,822

 Median (P25–P75)

40,000 (20,000–70,000)


339 (14.9)


632 (27.7)


669 (29.4)


639 (28.0)

Income per patient in last 5 yearsa,c (CNY)

 Mean ± SD

30,355 ± 29,841

Number of family membersa,d [median (P25–P75)]

4 (2–5)

Healthcare insurance typee

 Urban employee basic medical insurance

916 (38.9)

 Urban resident basic medical insurance

446 (18.9)

 New rural cooperative medical scheme

897 (38.1)

 Commercial insurance

22 (0.9)


49 (2.1)


24 (1.0)

Clinical stage


328 (13.9)


630 (26.7)


815 (34.6)


559 (23.7)

 Not reported

24 (1.0)

Pathologic type


2081 (88.3)


176 (7.5)

 Not reported

99 (4.2)

Therapeutic regimenf


886 (37.8)


784 (33.4)

 Surgery and postoperative chemotherapy

333 (14.2)

 Symptomatic treatment

222 (9.5)

 Concurrent chemoradiotherapy

62 (2.6)


42 (1.8)

 Neoadjuvant chemotherapy and surgery

16 (0.7)

Number of clinical visitsa [median (P5–P95)]

2 (1–5)

Number of admissionsa [median (P5–P95)]

1 (1–5)

Hospital staya,g (days)

 Mean ± SD

37 ± 38

 Median (P25–P75)

25 (17–42)

Quality of the questionnaire

 High quality

2230 (94.7)

 Low quality

126 (5.3)

  1. SD standard deviation, CNY Chinese Yuan, P 25 –P 75 percentile 25 to percentile 75, P 5 –P 95 percentile 5 to percentile 95
  2. aExcept for these values, other values are presented as number of patients followed by percentage in parentheses
  3. bThe data of 77 patients were missing
  4. cThe data of 44 patients were missing
  5. dThe data of 24 patients were missing
  6. eThe data of 2 patients were missing
  7. fThe data of 11 patients were missing
  8. gThe data of 4 patients were missing